Mike and I moved into our present home in August 2008. It is a semi-detached house at the top end of a cul-de-sac containing 35 houses – all but one are semi-detached. The garden had been sadly neglected although, over 30 years ago, it was the pride and joy of Mike's Grandfather, Albert, (right) and the lawn was like a bowling green as can be seen in the photo. The houses were built in 1934 and Mike's grandparents bought it in 1935 – it has been in the family ever since. As we didn't know whether we would be staying at the house for any length of time, and neither of us had any interest in gardening, we kept the lawn mowed and, in the summer of 2009 we attempted to convert the rockery into an alpine garden and as we had a new fence erected between us and next door we revamped the bed adjacent to it. However, this soon got neglected.


Liz & Mike's Garden           Tel: 07860 315300           E-mail: liz@lizandmikesgarden.co.uk
Web Design: © 2012-2018 Spider Communications            All Photos © lizandmikesgarden.co.uk